
PewDiePie,theworldmostpopularYouTubestar,hasspokenoutabouthisexclusionfromthisyear'sYouTubeRewindend-of-yearrecap.,ThevideothatledtohistemporarybanfromYouTubein2017wasoneinwhichheusedaracialslurwhileplayingavideogame.,Save.Report.Comments36K.Grandayy.ThisistherealYoutubeRewind2017.14:18·Gotochannel·PEWDIEPIECRINGE-LWIAY#0025.PewDiePie•8.8 ...,Playlist•426videos•1,508,219views.Forthenew—andlong...

World's most popular YouTuber explains sad absence from ...

PewDiePie, the world most popular YouTube star, has spoken out about his exclusion from this year's YouTube Rewind end-of-year recap.

What was the controversial Pewdiepie video that got him banned ...

The video that led to his temporary ban from YouTube in 2017 was one in which he used a racial slur while playing a video game.

2017 REVIEW! - Pewdiepie

Save. Report. Comments36K. Grandayy. This is the real Youtube Rewind 2017. 14:18 · Go to channel · PEWDIEPIE CRINGE - LWIAY #0025. PewDiePie•8.8 ...

PewDiePie 2017

Playlist•426 videos•1,508,219 views. For the new—and long time—subscribers of PewDiePie to binge watch all his videos from 2017. ↓ ...more ...more.


Japan Vlogs · I put on a suit and went to Australia for this · Family Adventure: Our Awaji Island Trip · Is Switzerland a real place?

Why I'm not in YouTube Rewind 2017

4 DAYS LAST CHANCE EVER MERCH: I discuss the latest youtube rewind 2017 and why I love it Join my ...


E3 AWKWARD AND CRINGY MOMENTS 2017. 10M views · 7 years ago ...more. PewDiePie. 110M. Subscribe. 366K. Share.